Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A night in the kitchen through photo's.

So I recently spent some time in a kitchen with my camera at my side and a towel on the other side. Yes the worlds first photographic dishwasher!!!

Most people don't see the inside of a professional kitchen and usually only see the food that has been carefully sculpted to be perfect and photographed. So I took my camera inside the domain of kitchen and spent a night knocking out dishes and taking photos. It was a entertaining experience trying to take photos and not get in the way of the chefs....a hell of a challenge in a busy kitchen!!!

I managed to take over 160 photos but as you could probably imagine some of them just weren't that good and some are a lil boring. In the end I whittled it down to 41 photos....trust me it took a coupla hours,a few cups of coffee,many moments of doubt and a few sanity questioning mental arguments...(Who knew talking to yourself could be so amusing?!)

Anyway enough of my bullsh*t,here is a couple from the night and if interested here's the link to my Flickr page to check out the rest : http://www.flickr.com/photos/cheffriis/sets/72157623608201469/

So a small update yes but more to come as always!!